Providing you with exceptional English-speaking customer service designed to answer all of your questions about your destination is our primary goal. You can reserve your Congo Trail itinerary and other activities online or chat with a customer service representative. We are located within the beautiful Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica and offer some of the most affordable family, and kid, friendly activities in the country. Guanacaste is so well known for its pristine natural beauty, thrilling outdoor adventures, and vibrant wildlife experiences. Did you know that Costa Rica is also home to over 10% of the world's butterflies?
We take pride in our partnerships with local and community-based tour operators throughout Guanacaste and are able to provide you with the lowest rates possible for your experiences. Through our network of providers you can explore the biodiverse jungles teeming with wildlife, the majestic mountains, and volcanoes, or the picturesque white sand beaches on Pacific Gold Coast.
Help support the local community! Please visit our friends at Tour Guanacaste and experience more for less. Tour Guanacaste is our sister site for all other tours in the area. Or if you’re staying in Brasilito, feel free to check out our friends at Arenas Brasilito. Listed below are a few of our most popular experiences: